Evaluation of self-regulated learning on problem-solving skills in online basic physics learning during the COVID-19 pandemic


Ahmad Abtokhi1,2 , Budi Jatmiko1 , Wasis Wasis1

1Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Indonesia)
2Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Indonesia)

Received January 2021

Accepted July 2021


The problems of learning physics have experienced increasingly complex obstacles amid the demands of online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to explain the basic physics learning process through an online system during a pandemic, by evaluating the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) approach to Problem-Solving Skills (PSS). Data were collected through distributing questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies, then analyzed. This study shows that the applied SRL has been implemented well but has not been optimal in improving PSS in online Basic Physics learning. The unpreparedness of technological devices and the competence of educators and students become obstacles that result in difficulties in solving physics problems so that the expected results are not following the expected learning targets. Also, this study shows the difficulty of learning physics online during the pandemic. Thus, a responsive physics learning model is needed with conditions that allow the delivery of physics material to be well understood, even though it is delivered through digital media. This is a demand that needs the attention of all parties so that the achievement of online learning targets remains optimal and effective in increasing the problem-solving skills of students during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Keywords – COVID-19, Evaluation, Physics learning, Problem-solving skill, Self-regulated learning.

To cite this article:

Abtokhi, A., Jatmiko, B., & Wasis, W. (2021). Evaluation of self-regulated learning on problem-solving skills in online basic physics learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 11(2), 541-555. https://doi.org/10.3926/jotse.1205



    1. 1. Introduction

Physics learning which is identical to meeting in person directly cannot be taught effectively through online media. The number of physics problems that need to be solved directly or offline is an obstacle that results in increasing student difficulty in solving physics problems. This can be seen from the weakness of the student’s Problem-Solving Skill (PSS) in online learning during the pandemic. In the physics learning process, it is necessary to visualize the material for problem-solving (Kozhevnikov, Motes & Hegarty, 2007). Various problems arise due to the implementation of online learning for all levels of education during the pandemic with various challenges that accompany it (Almaiah, Al-Khasawneh & Althunibat, 2020; Chick, Clifton, Peace, Propper, Hale, Alseidi et al., 2020; Daniel, 2020). This includes learning physics which has experienced various obstacles that are not easily taught online. Thus, we need some technique for the optimization of online physics learning, so that it does not increase the difficulty in problem-solving.

Studies so far tended to see an increase in students PSS from three perspectives. First, problem-solving concept and method with various perspective (Anderson, 1993; Norman, 1988; Retnowati, Fathoni & Chen, 2018; Singh, 2009; Sweller, 1988; Van Merriënboer, 2013). The importance of critical thinking in problem-solving (Rodzalan & Saat, 2015; Snyder & Snyder, 2008). Second, PSS are applied in certain subjects (Jacobse & Harskamp, 2012; Karatas & Baki, 2013; Kim & Hannafin, 2011; Krawec, 2014; Schoenfeld, 2016; Tambychik & Meerah, 2010). Even problem-solving can be done with an approach of playing game (Barzilai & Blau, 2014; Learning, 2001). Sanches and Olivares (2011) reveal that learning activity based on Mobile Serious Games can give a contribution to increase high-level learning PSS (Sánchez & Olivares, 2011). Third, problem-solving has also been used in solving physics problems (Carleo & Troyer, 2017; De Cock, 2012; Landau, Páez-Mejía & Bordeianu, 2015; Mestre, Docktor, Strand & Ross, 2011; Walsh, Howard & Bowe, 2007), where the approach of conceptual problem-solving becomes an alternative for solving various physics problems (Mestre et al., 2011). Therefore, this study begins from these three trends by evaluating the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) against the PSS in online physics learning that has not received much attention in the previous studies. The study conducted by (English & Kitsantas, 2013) observed the use of SRL in problem-based learning.

Three questions can be asked as a reference in the discussion of this study. (1) How to form SRL which is easy to understand and practice by students in the physics learning process online? (2) What is the dominant indicator in the student PSS process in solving physics problems? (3) How SRL has not been able to influence student PSS as applied to online physics learning? Apart from being the answer to the problems discussed, these three questions also test the hypotheses proposed in this study.

Based on these problems, the hypothesis of this study can be illustrated that physics learning, which is identical to touchable material, still leaves unfinished problems until now. Various approaches have been taken, but they have not had a significant impact. The problems that arise are still dominated by difficulties in understanding learning as a result of the lack of intensity of meetings directly in line with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this condition, almost all educational processes are run online which are followed by various problems. The unpreparedness of educators and students is one of the main obstacles in learning physics online during the pandemic. Also, unequal access to technology is the reason for ineffective learning, where technology is the main support that cannot be avoided.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

Independent learning is a way of developing skills and reasoning, which is followed by the ability to organize actions and the learning process (Kuiper-Anne & Pesut, 2016). The independent learning process is characterized by proactive actions taken by students for the continuity of their education by utilizing knowledge, determining strategies, adjusting existing impacts, increasing learning confidence, and making decisions (Schunk & Zimmerman, 2012). As stated in the statement, Hadwin, Järvelä and Miller (2015) revealed that independent learning affects increasing interest and willingness in learning where students are active agents who can control their learning. In research conducted by Wong, Baars, de Koning and Paas (2021) demonstrated that students are more successful when they independently engage in behaviors that control their desire to learn such as planning what to learn and reviewing the subject matter. This is in line with the statement from Clark (2012), that learning independently increases motivation and academic results because students can adaptively understand the characteristics of learning in accordance with their abilities. This was later explained by Hadwin, Järvelä and Miller (2015) that the process of forming independent learning begins with observational learning (modeling), then imitating and forming thought patterns and strategies that reflect how it looks.

The learning system is independently implemented to encourage students to experiment, have initiative, and combine all skills and abilities to complete the learning process successfully (Castro-Schez, Glez‑Morcillo, Albusac & Vallejo, 2021). According to Schunk and Zimmerman (2012) independent learning is influenced by three main factors, namely personal factors in the form of beliefs, actions, and biological experiences; behavior; and environmental influences (interactions). As explained above, Winne (2010) shows that independent learning has four important stages that support the formation of learning experiences, namely (a) developing students’ minds in handling the selected task; (b) setting objectives for planning; (c) planning and problem-solving; (d) giving breaks to do a reflection on the work that has been done. This stage is based on five important indicators mentioned by Syaf, Kuryadinata and Widiasty (2017) includes (1) diagnosis of learning needs; (2) selection of learning strategies; (3) monitoring and learning management; (4) setting the learning targets and objectives; (5) evaluation of learning processes and outcomes. Furthermore, independent learning affects emotional understanding in using online learning platforms where patterns of independence reveal limited interactions which reduce sensitivity in assessing students’ emotions (Zheng, Huang, Li, Lajoie, Chen & Hmelo-Silver, 2020).

2.2. Problem-Solving Skills (PSS)

Problem-solving is a learning method used to provide context and motivation in solving a problem (Argaw, Haile, Ayalew & Kuma, 2017). According to Chua, Tan and Liu (2016) the process of forming problem‑solving in students is based on 4 important stages including problem-solving, problem analysis, discovery and reporting, and evaluation to find solutions. Han and Toh (2019) emphasized that problem-solving motivation has influenced the improvement of students’ skills and criticism in exploring any information (Chua et al., 2016). Hu, Wu and Gu (2017) found that many educational staff used problem-solving methods as solutions to overcome difficulties in science learning. problem-solving in science provides solutions for solving everyday problems where becomes the basis for determining actions and next steps (Laurens, Batlolona, Batlolona & Leasa, 2018). This is in line with the statement of Sukariasih, Tahang, Nursalam and Fayanto (2020)  which emphasizes that problem-solving in physics learning helps students develop skills to solve problems in the real world. Problem-solving mentioned by Fitriani, Zubaidah, Susilo and Al Muhdhar (2020) as a method that influences the construction of thought and knowledge.

Problem-solving has become a basic skill that is developed and trained for the needs of students (Franestian, Suyanta & Wiyono, 2020). According to Docktor and Heller (2009), five indicators affect problem-solving skills in physics including 1) visualization/problem description; 2) physics approach; 3) special application of physics concepts; 4) mathematical procedures; and 5) logical conclusions. Some obstacles determine physics problem-solving skills based on three main things, including students’ lack of experience in solving more complex problems, teachers do not facilitate teaching, and students are less able to connect the context of science learning to everyday life (Wati, Sutiniasih, Misbah, Mahtari, Annur & Mastuang, 2020). What needs to be noted is that problem-based learning is more effective than non‑problem-based learning to improve students problem-solving skills (Valdez & Bungihan, 2019).

2.3. Online Learning-Digital Learning

The development of technology and communication has created new opportunities in developing the space for digital learning (Moreno-Morilla, Guzmán-Simón & García-Jiménez, 2021). Buchanan, Holmes, Preston and Shaw (2015) have found that the increased use of technology causes a transformation of education so that technology is no longer just something that is learned but something with which they learn. In this context, the digital space provides more effective and easier learning experiences and strategies by increasing the control, motivation, and self-satisfaction of students and teachers (Wang, Shannon & Ross, 2013). In line with this statement, Shaw (2014) emphasized that digital-based learning allows students to accept learning without conventional constraints such as distance and time. Online learning has 4 important objectives, namely 1) easy access; 2) increasing interaction; 3) systematize the learning system; and 4) have the flexibility to reach students in acquiring knowledge (Yacob, Kadir, Zainudin & Zurairah, 2012). In addition to goals, online learning also directs students to more easily develop self-cognitive and social communication (Lev-On & Lissitsa, 2018). Even so, Yazdi (2012) revealed that in the application of digital-based learning, students are required to take an active (initiative) and exploratory role in finding and understanding their own learning material so that on the one hand online learning provides flexibility. However, on the other hand, it provides difficulties in providing an assessment of the clarity of material in practice (Wanner & Palmer, 2015; Lock & Redmond, 2021).

Online learning has become an approach that takes advantage of innovations from internet technology to create and establish an interactive learning environment (Nu’man, 2014). According to Vander-Ark (2012) digital learning will change the world by opening up opportunities and helping students to receive more, faster, deeper, and of course cheaper. However, there are several obstacles in the use of online learning. According to Sari (2012) constraints in the implementation of learning are caused by the mental unpreparedness of the teaching staff in facing digital-based systems, especially when they are used to conventional learning methods. Apart from mental factors, the unpreparedness of tools and access is mentioned by Capogna (2012) as an inhibiting factor for online learning. Limited access and tools due to inadequate funding have led to technological imbalances in some marginalized areas (Capogna, 2012). In line with these arguments, Abidah, Hidaayatullaah, Simamora, Fehabutar and Mutakinati (2020) revealed that inadequate support facilities further aggravate and reduce student competence, thereby limiting student skills and interactions in learning. Somaratne (2016) stated that poor internet facilities become an obstacle for students in exploring material and opening spaces for critical discussion with their groups. The same thing was also expressed by Aditya (2021) who said that the obstacles to the success of digital learning came from the readiness of students, especially those faced by teachers in rural areas. This is what makes online learning a form of inequality for isolated students (Xu & Jaggars, 2014). On the other hand, online learning results in dependence on technology which then makes students more individualistic (Mathew, 2014).

3. Method

The subjects of this study were 50 freshman students of the Department of Physics and Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, who were conducting online lectures in the Basic Physics subject with the subject of Mechanics. The research subjects were chosen because these students were new students, when they first entered college they were immediately faced with online learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of them did not know the lecturers who taught their subjects directly, even among classmates too. This condition may result in a lack of learning outcomes.

This type of research is quantitative, information about students’ Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is obtained through a survey using a Likert scale questionnaire that contains grading statements of approval from 15 descriptors which were outlined from 5 (five) indicators of Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), Doubt (R), Disagree (TS), and Strongly Disagree (STS). The statement in question is a descriptor of the SRL indicator. The indicators of SRL in this study are (1) diagnosing learning needs, (2) choosing learning strategies, (1) monitoring and managing learning, (4) setting learning targets and goals, and (5) evaluating the process and learning outcomes. Beside the data in the form of a questionnaire, student SRL information was also obtained through written interviews.

Data on student Problem-Solving Skills (PSS) is obtained from the assessment of student work results in solving basic physics questions on mechanics material through scoring rubrics from a score of 0 (zero) to 4 (four). A score of 0 (zero) informs that students are not able to make or use the indicator component. A score of 1 (one) student has been able to make or use the indicator component, but there are some errors. A score of 2 (two) students has been able to make or use the indicator component, but incomplete and inaccurate. A score of 3 (three) students was able to make or use the indicator component completely and accurately. A score of 4 (four) students was able to make or use the indicator component very completely and precisely. Five indicators on the Robust Assessment Instrument for Student Problem-solving developed by Docktor and Heller (2009), namely visualization/problem description, physics approach, special application of physics concepts, mathematical procedures, and logical conclusions.

SRL and PSS data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Then the hypothesis test was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis technique with the Smart PLS 3.0 program to find out how the effect of SRL on student PSS in online Basic Physics courses. To test the validity and reliability of the evaluation of the reflective measurement model in PLS analysis, four stages are used, namely internal consistency reliability, convergent validity, indicator reliability, and discriminant validity of the new model. The entire steps in this research shown in Figure 1. Research procedure.


Figure 1. Research procedure

4. Results

4.1. Students Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Problem-Solving Skill (PSS) During Online Basic Physics Course

SRL Indicator







Diagnosing Learning Needs

I can identify the conditions that support the learning process






I know when I have to ask a lecturer/friend about material that I don’t understand






I tried many ways to find out the best method of learning






Choose a learning strategy

Apart from taking part in online course, I am looking for other supporting sources






I prefer to have a group discussion to understand more about the mechanics material






I know the best way to do my study






Monitor and organize learning

I arrange my self-study time outside of scheduled online class






The motion mechanics class which was held online made me more independent in learning






I mapped the study time according to the course credits






Setting learning targets or goals

I set a target grade score to be achieved






I decided “what to do after learning this”






I know my purpose for studying






Evaluating learning processes and outcomes

I know what I need to do to optimize online learning






Online learning allows me to evaluate learning independently






I try to find my mistakes in studying and plan for improvement






Table 1. Results of Student SRL Questionnaire Answers on Online Basic Physics Course

The results of the answers to the questionnaires that have been given to 50 students who are taking online course on Basic Physics with Mechanics material are shown in Table 1. Results of Student SRL Questionnaire Answers on Online Basic Physics Course. The column in the table contains the SRL indicator, a statement of approval in the form of a description, and a gradation component of the approval statement consisting of five options, namely Strongly Agree (SS), Agree (S), Doubt (R), Disagree (TS), and Strongly Disagree (STS).

Interviews were also conducted to evaluate and obtain information on students’ SRL. Several obstacles were stated by students in the online physics learning process, including limited internet and network access as conveyed by Informants (1) that “Forced to buy a cellular data package even though financial constraints, or ask for help from other people through sharing the internet connection” (interview, 2020). Whereas all learning activities during the pandemic are demanded to be delivered online, starting from textbooks to materials, causing problems in learning. This was revealed by the Informant (2) that “Delivering material virtually such as slides, PDF document, and video through the WhatsApp group, Telegram, Zoom meeting, and for assignments collected through e-learning that has been provided by the campus” (interview, 2020). The time management to study from home is also a problem for students, because they have the consequence to help their parents while they are studying. It is different if they live in a dormitory or boarding house near campus, students can focus on following lectures. This was conveyed by the Informant (3) that “I have to manage my time between helping my parents and studying, including doing other family tasks, so I need to get used to and force myself to attend class on schedule” (interview, 2020).

4.2. Student Problem-Solving Skill (PSS)

Students’ answers to the task of solving Basic Physics questions with the Mechanics material given by the lecturer will show information about PSS. Figure 2. Examples of PSS test questions on mechanics material and Figure 3. Examples of student answers are examples of questions and answers from one student in solving these problems.

Meanwhile, an example of one student’s answer to the question given is that the student has been able to visualize the story problem in the form of a complete picture sketch with force lines that work on the beam system on an inclined plane. Students write down the physics approach used in solving problems, apply specifically the concept of physics of motion of objects on an inclined plane, use mathematical procedures, and make logical conclusions.

Working Instructions: Do the following questions and upload your answers on Google Drive for Basic Physics course 1. (note: time allocation is 15 minutes)

Ahmad conducted an experiment by placing a beam with a mass of 6 kg on a smooth board. The beam slide downward on a smooth slope of 30o, 45o, and 60o from the floor. If the distance from the floor to the beam is 10 m and the gravity acceleration is 10ms2, then:

  1. a)Write down what is known and sketch an experiment to do! 

  2. b)Mention and explain what physics concepts are used to solve these problems! 

  3. c)What equations should be used to find the acceleration and time of the block to reach the floor? Explain each symbol in the equation! 

  4. d)Determine the acceleration and time required for the block to reach the floor for each angle of inclination! 

  5. e)What conclusions did you get from the experiment? What should Ahmad do so that the object’s acceleration gets bigger and the travel time is shorter? 

Figure 2. Examples of PSS test questions on mechanics material


Figure 3. Examples of student answers

The results of the assessment of the student’s PSS achievement on each indicator, as well as the scores ranging from 0 (zero) to 4 (four) are shown in Figure 4. Assessment of student problem-solving skills (PSS) on each indicator. The results of the student PSS assessment on each indicator showed that the majority of students got a score of 3 (three) on three indicators, namely “skills in visualizing physics problems”, “mentioning the physics approach to be used in solving problems”, and “applying specifically the physics concept”. So that students have been able to make or use the components of the three indicators completely and accurately. Meanwhile, on the indicator “applying mathematical procedures in solving problems”, and “making logical conclusions”, the dominant student gets a score of 4, which means that the student has been able to make or use the indicator component very completely and accurately. From the achievement of the five PSS indicators that are the highest or mastered by students are indicators of making logical conclusions.


Figure 4. Assessment of student problem-solving skills (PSS) on each indicator

4.3. Student Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Problem-Solving Skill (PSS)

Based on the research results, there is no effect between Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Student Problem-Solving Skills (PSS) in online Basic Physics lectures. Students with good Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) do not necessarily have high Problem-Solving Skills (PSS), and vice versa. This statement is strengthened by testing the hypothesis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis technique with the SmartPLS 3.0 program, with a model framework as in Figure 5.

The description of the relationship between X1.1 and X1.15 is the coding that informs the descriptor of the 5 indicators in Self-Regulated Learning (SRL), each indicator has 3 descriptors so that the total is 15 descriptors. Y1.1 to Y1.5 are codes that inform 5 indicators of student Problem-Solving Skills (PSS). Internal consistency reliability is measured by composite reliability (CR). In order to meet the criteria, the CR value must be greater than 0.7. As shown in Table 2. Reflective measurement model assessment, the Composite reliability (CR) for SRL and PSS are 0.933 and 0.924, respectively, so that they met the criteria for internal consistency reliability. Convergent validity is measured using Average Variance Extracted (AVE). If the AVE value is> 0.5 then it meets the convergent validity criteria. Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values for SRL and PSS are 0.452 and 0.737 respectively, so that the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) variable does not meet the convergent validity criteria.


Figure 5. The structural model concept framework


Problem-Solving Skill

Self-Regulated Learning

Composite Reliability



Average Variance Extracted (AVE)































































Table 2. Reflective measurement model assessment

Indicator reliability is measured by analyzing the value of outer loading, if outer loading> 0.7 then the indicator descriptor is used. Based on Figure 5, there are five SRL indicators. A new structural model is used as shown in Figure 6. New structural model and SEM-PLS analysis results and satisfy composite reliability such as Table 3. Reflective measurement model assessment for the new model.


Composite Reliability

Problem-Solving Skill


Self-Regulated Learning


Table 3. Reflective measurement model assessment for the new model